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SCILL Coaching Session



 Throughout the Congress


 Studio 5


We live in a complex world characterised by environmental challenges, a fluctuating economy, and an increasing consciousness of the diversity of the people around us. This requires a flexible and innovative approach to doing business, whatever challenges that may bring.

At soul.com we believe that innovation is the logical consequence of a community-building process that takes root in an environment of trust. The one hour soul.com workshop, facilitated by Pascal Jossi focuses on the connection between innovation, trust and diversity. 

No matter the gender, race, or cultural background, where there is trust, new methods and ways of thinking can be explored and expressed freely in a constant learning process. This builds strong, highly performing organisations.

It is through our ability to create unity between people that change and diversity stop to be an obstacle and become sources of power, resilience and innovation. Let’s explore together what happens if we look beyond the “us-and-them”.

Do you work in an organisation that hears every voice? Your voice? What can you do to build a culture of trust in your daily work environment?

Join Pascal Jossi’s group coaching sessions and learn about how diversity can be a vector of innovation and growth. Book your appointment here: https://pascaljossi-coaching.youcanbook.me/ 

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